What can I say, I like to travel.  I love Europe.  So far all of my trips have been to Europe. So far I am have been to Germany, Greece, Italy, The Netherlands and France. France and the Netherlands were short stays; France was 2 days in Paris and the Netherlands was  6 hours in Amsterdam. (6 Hours was long enough to see the original Heineken Brewery and get free beer!!) 

I am the kind of person that likes to look at pictures of places i have not been and maybe use them to see if i would like to go there.  I can never find enough pictures of the places i have been or want to go so I decided to put all of my pictures online. So I am in the process of scanning all of my pictures.  I probably have about 1000 pictures, mostly of Italy and Greece. Some are repeats and some are not worth posting as they did not come out quite right. (Cheap Camera!!)

I live in Alaska so one would think i would have lots of pictures of this state. I have not traveled much in Alaska, but then again there is only 1200 miles of highway and I have been on all but 500 of it. (I have not been on 1 highway)  The road system is only part of Alaska.  Actually it is a very small part of Alaska.  The sheer size is hard to imagine.  On the West side of Alaska there is the Aleutian Chain. A Jet flight to Adak takes longer and is more expensive than a flight from Anchorage to Seattle.  The Aleutian Chain has everything from weekly storms that drop 2 feet of snow and winds gusting to 100 mph to active Volcanoes. On the North side of Alaska, know as the north slope because of the mountain range that slopes out towards the sea, there is the extreme cold of the Artic and polar bears that roam around the pipelines and villages. Then on the South East area on the Panhandle, they have climate similar to Seattle except with the occasional snowfall of a couple of feet. Actually, if you get close to the edge of the Alaskan border in the southeast area, places like Sitka and Metlakatla get King TV broadcasted from Seattle. 

I went to Germany the summer before my Senior year in high school. Greece and Amsterdam I did by myself and Italy and France I did with my wife.  I did not get enough time to spend in France, however it looks really fun.  Amsterdam also looks like a really awesome place to visit.  As Always, Alaska is also a great place to visit. And for those that like the outdoors, both summer and winter, Alaska could be a place to live also.

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Saturday, March 23, 2019 12:40:22 PM